Eingrad Wiki
Eugene Rao-0

A male tiefling druid, with dog demon heritage.

Tieflings are one of the two major groups that reside in the Glasslands, the other being Eyfik humans. Descendant from humans who made pacts with fiends and infernal deities, tieflings are a relatively new race in Eingrad and had yet to find their place in the world until the last 400 years. Collected from all over human nations, tieflings have united as one people in their oasis city-state of Karna. Tieflings are collectively known for their duplicitous origins, however modern tieflings disavow their unsavory origins. Taking advantage of their innate allure and cunning, tieflings have become skilled traders and solicitors, often rivaling dragonborns in dealings. Their ancestors touched fiends from all the world’s religions and cultures, thus the tiefling culture acknowledges a plethora of gods. As a result, Karna is exceedingly diverse both ethnically and culturally. Tieflings are extremely accommodating and tolerant to other faiths and peoples.


Tiefling anatomy can vary, and their features mirror their bloodline's original patron deity. For example, a tiefling with heritage from a fox may present with ears, fangs, or a tail. Tiefling ethnic groups are sorted by a combination of anatomy, culture, and religion. The two major tiefling ethnic groups are the tīf and janwār. Tīf are descendant from the highest circles of infernal deities, usually appearing with large horns, tails, and colorful skin. They are also the most prominent, educated, and wealthy group. Janwār are descendant from the numerous animal-like lower circle infernal deities. Their appearance closely mirror their bloodline or clan's animal deity, making their appearances differ significantly. Within the Janwār, several ethnic subgroups and clans are present, including but not limited to:

  • Aarakocra, a proud winged bird people
    • Kenku, small wingless aarakocra clan
    • Owlin (owlfolk), an intelligent and coy owl aaracokra clan
  • Lizardfolk, an eccentric reptilian people
    • Yuan-ti and lamia, serpentine lizardfolk clan
    • Tortle, a slow turtle lizardfolk clan
  • Tabaxi, a curious feline people
    • Leonin, a strong lion tabaxi clan
  • Harengon (rabbitfolk), a spry rabbit people
  • Lomir, a regal fox people
  • Triton, a humanoid amphibian people
  • Locathah (fishfolk), a stout fish people
  • Genasi, a humanoid people touched by elementals